Catalog No: OKCF00002
Size:250 mL
Price: $175.00
Availability: Domestic: In stock - WB reagents International: In stock - WB reagents
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AvivaBlot Femto ECL Reagent (OKCF00002)

Datasheets/ManualsClick here to download product manual.
Click here to download short protocol.
Product Info
Product FormatLiquid
Additional Information
  1. Avivablot Femto Part A (5 mL or 125 mL), amber bottle, store at Room Temperature
  2. Avivablot Femto Part B (5 mL or 125 mL), store at Room Temperature
Mix 1:1 volume/volume prior to use
StorageStore at Room Temperature
Protocol Information
  1. Perform electrophoresis, membrane transfer and antibody incubation and washes.
  2. Mix Femto Part A and Femto Part B 1:1 volume:volume in a conical tube thoroughly. 7 mLs final is required for a standard mini blot (~64 cm2 ). Working solutions can be stored at 4° C for up to 3 days but should be warmed to room temperature before use.
  3. Apply Femto working solution at room temperature directly to semi-wet blot using 1 mL per 10 cm3 of membrane.
  4. Incubate 2 minutes at RT.
  5. Expose membrane using chemiluminescent imager or x-ray film. Use plastic wrap to avoid wetting film where appropriate.
  6. Exposure time is empirically determined, typical exposures require 60 to 180 seconds.
DilutionPrimary: 1:1.000 - 1:15.000 Secondary: 1:25.000 - 1:150.000 Varies with chosen antibodies, dilutions from 1 mg/mL stock
Intended UseChemiluminescent substrate for Horseradish Peroxidase based Western Blot detection.
Alias SymbolsOKCF00002, immunoblot, western blot, blot, ECL, HRP, substrate, "Aviva Blot"
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