ELISA Standard Curve Methods

Download CurveExpert Basic 2.1.0 here.

The software allows you to try before you buy. CurveExpert Basic is compatible with all versions of Windows. The Pro version is compatible with macOS and Linux.

  1. Download the software free trial and install on your computer.
  2. X-axis: Input values corresponding to the concentration. Y-axis: input the OD values of the standard. Please see example below:


  3. Click Tools > Run Curve Finder. The following window appears.


  4. Click OK and the results appear below. To view or hide additional windows, select Window. All windows available are shown below.



    A list of available curve fitting algorithms appear in the upper left corner. This can be viewed using Windows > Results.

    Resulting curves can be clicked and previewed in the Results Preview tab.

  5. Select the best fitting curve for ELISA. This typically is the equation with the best coefficient ("r" value for computing. In the following dialog box, the "r" value appears when hovering the mouse over the result set. See below:


  6. Double click on the result set you wish to use, and you will find an interactive graph with the curve equation.


  7. Scroll over the graph to obtain the desired OD values. This will provide the actual protein content of the target protein. If N-fold diluted samples, the value should be multiplied by N.